Ride with me 微醺藍調 - Grøøvy Wave
Release Date: 2021 Album: - Producer: dR. X 黃浩邦
Ride with me 微醺藍調 - Grøøvy Wave
Gambling - TomFatKi
樣衰唔係罪 - 藍仔頭 / 九龍皇帝 / 近南哥
太陽花 PART II - TomFatKi
Black Mirror - MC $oHo & KidNey
LDR - Fxith X Hxpe
Goated - Fxith X Hxpe
CHAMPION - Fxith X Hxpe
Top Of The World - Fxith X Hxpe
Had it All - Fxith X Hxpe
落差 - LTG MELLY & LTG ¥C$
Hate - TomFatKi
Give You California - Chinky Eyes
Play Stuff - Chinky Eyes
NO DEVOTIONS - JustHustlin’
BOYS - The G3sha
ROTATE - The Afroseas
冇咩事唔好放棄 - Retroll
關愛座 - Retroll
講得出做得到 - Retroll
你的Hip Hop - Retroll